Counties Chess

MCCU Officers and
Board of Management

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Page last updated 1 July 2024


President: Eunice Dolan (Staffs)

Vice Presidents: B Neil Beasley (Leics); Ray Collett (Worcs); Roger J Edwards (Staffs); Andrew Farthing (Worcs); John Grasham (Lincs); Julie Johnson (Leics); Neil Graham (Notts); Peter Sherlock (Lincs): John Waine (Warks).

Board of Management

Chief Executive Officer: Ray Dolan(Staffs) Tel: 07815 540 866. e-mail
Secretary and public relations: Please contact Ray Dolan, above.

For all other officers, please contact Ray Dolan

Finance Director: Paul Sharratt (Worcs)
Non-Executive Director: John Pattinson (Leics); Peter Evans (Staffs)
Events Director: Ray Dolan as above
Rating Director:
Stephen Smithson (Staffs)
Director for Junior Chess: Tim Walker (Notts)
Ray Collett (Worcs) Tel: 01905 454 754. e-mail
Safeguarding Officer: Ray Dolan, see above
Meetings Chairman: Paul Sharratt (Worcs)
County Championship Controller: Steven Smithson (Staffs) Tel: 0115 987 1652 e-mail
Correspondence Chess Controller: Ray Dolan as above

Appointed Officers

Controller Midlands GP and Midland Individual Championship award Ray Dolan, as above
Controller Correspondence Chess: Ray Dolan, as above.
E.C.F. Council Delegates: Tim Walker (Notts)
Trustees: Lee Collier, Eunice Dolan, Peter Sherlock


About the Board of Management

All officers including the Chief Executive are volunteers. Any help to share the burden of organising regional competitions will be welcomed. The Board of Management can fill vacancies in the Board of Management that remain after an annual general meeting, or which arise in the course of a year, and appoint officers or sub-committees as necessary to expedite the affairs of the union. Currently three board members carry out dual mangement board functions: the Chairman is an ECF delegate; the Publicity Director is also the Webmaster; and Grading Director is also the Controller for thee Inter-counties competitions. Currently the board meets once yearly and most issues arising during the year are dealt with by e-mail and telephone consultation. At general meetings, each member of the board has a single vote and each county 4 votes, which may be exercised by proxy or by a single county delegate. For further details use 'Constitution' button on the left-hand-side menu.