Latest MCCU News
Lincolnshire retain Midland Counties Championship
8 Feb 2025. Lincolnshire beat Worcestershire in the Midlands Counties Team Championship to retain their title. See detailed results. Both Lincolnshire and Worcestershire will go through to the national stages beacuse Staffordshire lost to both those teams. Worcestershire u1650 team beat Warwickshire in the postponed a home match at Droitwich. See full results
Nottingham Rapidplay
2 Feb 2025. The three top tournaments were triumphs for Nottingham University players. Simon Schweizer was first in the open above GM Hebden and IM Willow with 5 points from 6 rounds. The Major was won by Joseph Greco with 5½ points and the Intermediate by Cai Owen, also on 5½ points. Ufuk Kachek (Derbys) was first in the Minor with 6 points and Ambrose Lam first in the Improvers with 5½ points. The event held at Nottingham High School attracted neary 200 players and was organised by NAs John Swain, Hambel Willow and Phil Beckett assisted by Stephen Humphreys, Simon Scott. Mr and Mrs Gunarathne, Mr Richmond, and Mr and Mrs Sykes staffed the catering which raised £150 for humanitarian relief in the Ukraine. See full results and Nottinghamshbire CA report.
Lincolnshire u1850 beat Derbyshire
1 Feb 2025. Although Derbyshire had to withdraw from the u1650 team competition, they entered a u1850 team who played Lincolnshire for the u1850 Midlands championship. Lincolnshire ran out easy winners, but Derbyshire will have the opportunity to compete nationally as a second Midland nomination. See detailed results.
MCCU nominations for national stages of county competitions
28 Jan 2025, Stephen Smithson reports. The MCCU expects to nominate seven teams to play in the national stages starting in April. Matches in the Midlands stage should be completed by the end of February.
Lincolnshire overwhelm Staffordshire in county fixture
18 Jan 2025. Four teams travelled to Bramcote, Notts, but Staffordshire were four players short in the championship match and lost heavily. See Midland championship results. The u1650 match was keeny contested and ended in aa draw. See u1650 results.
Shropshire New Year Congress

5 Jan 2025. The open tournament was shared by Shabir Okhai (Leics) and FM Tin Kett (WLS) both on 4 points from 5 games. Julie Van Kemenade (Shrops) won the prize for best female performance. Glyn Pugh (Cheshire) won the Major (u1900) outright with 4½ points. There was a three-way tie for the Intermediate (u1700) between Neil Homer (Derbys), Nicholas White (Bucks) and Waylon Chan (Shrops) all on 4 points. The Minor (u1500) tournament was won outright by Cesar Pileggi (Shrops) with 4½ points. Over 160 players participated and arbiters were Peter Purland and Dan Hilditch-Love. See Shropshire CA report on Facebook and pictures.
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Next in the Midlands
Sat & Sun 22 & 23 Feb, Coventry Open at The Allan Higgs Centre, Allard Way Coventry. Open, u2000, u1750 and u1500 tournaments. Half-point byes available in rounds 1-4
Next Junior tournament
Sat 15 Feb 2025, Leicestershire EJCOA Zonal at Fairfield Prep sch, Leicester Road, Loughborough, Leics. Starts 10am, under-8, -10, -12, -14, -16, -18 and -20 five-round rapidplay tournaments, 20+5 time control, medals for top three places and first placed players qualify for the national finals.
Online competitions
Link for all ECF online events.
Link for all 4NCL online events.
Next national events
Sat & Sun 1 & 2 Mar, British Rapidplay Championship 2025 at Holiday Inn Peterborough-West, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough PE3 6SG. Eleven rounds , time control 15 min + 10 sec.
The "chess counties" forming the MCCU
Ten "Chess Counties" form the Midland Counties Chess Union and cover the areas shown in the map on the right. A small Board of volunteer directors currently led by Chief Executive Ray Dolan (Staffs) is elected annually by delegates from member chess counties. The Board organises regional competitions based on policies agreed annually by delegates from member chess counties.
By playing in the competitions hosted on this website you agree that your name, chess rating and your membership status with the English Chess Federation (ECF) may be published on this website for the purposes of recording the results of the competitions. You also agree that such information will be passed to the ECF, the governing body, for rating purposes, and published on their website.